Enchanted by the Alien Explorer Read online

Page 4

  The box of augmentron inducers in hand, I whistle as I leave the ship behind and take the now-familiar route along to the military base. At least here, the females ignore me, entirely professional as they go about their duties. I spot the trio I ate with earlier, and I nod to them. They nod back, but here, they’re professional too even if they had had fun joking around with me earlier. It’s good to know that they can appreciate when to work hard and when to play hard.

  Although it’s starting to get late in the day. It’s past dinnertime, not that I’m hungry. I ate enough earlier that I probably won’t be hungry again until noon.

  Eventually, a soldier comes up to me and asks if I need anything. I’m soon directed to the general.

  “What can I do for you, Rix? There’s not a problem, is there? We gave you the—”

  “No, no. Everything with that shipment is all done and settled.”

  "The overlord is pleased, then?"

  “Yes,” I say even though I haven’t checked in with Overlord Nestrol. I assume Dad spoke with him to okay my leaving and venturing to Earth for him. Considering the overlord hasn’t called, he either doesn’t know or is fine with the situation.

  “Then what brings you here?” the general asks. “If you wish to spend the night, I can offer you one of our tents or put you in a room in a nearby hotel or—”

  “I might stick around, but I can find my own lodging. I might just stay on the ship. My trek here is more business-oriented, if you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind at all, Rix. What do you need?”

  “A plasma morpher. I know that we traded you some in the past for research purposes—”

  “Yes, you did. We haven’t been able to replicate them, though.” He grimaces. “Not for lack of trying, but they have opened our eyes to new possibilities.”

  “I was hoping to secure one back from you.”

  “In exchange for…” His gaze falls to the box in my hands.

  I hold it out to him. “Augmentron inducers.”

  “Ah. We have those.”

  “Yes, I know, but do you have enough? I’ve noticed the centuricars you have. Spotted them around the base. They will be faster if you use original augmentron inducers versus the ones you have.”

  “And why is that?” He crosses his arms.

  “I can prove it to you.”

  “Go ahead,” he challenges.

  I’m not lying. During my early walkthrough, I spied a soldier who popped his hood. It had been smoking, but I got a clear view of their inducer. It’s made from steel and aluminum, whereas ours are carbonicium. It conducts the plasma better, and while centuricars are a hybrid of centuricmobiles and automobiles, plasma is better than electricity in just about every way.

  Within ten minutes, I’ve swapped out their inducer for one of ours and invite the general for a drive. The centuricar drives like a dream, the engine able to handle high pressure with ease.

  The general asks to take her for a spin, and who am I to tell him no? By the time we return to the base, he eyes me.

  “Only the highest and most powerful of Earthlings have augmentron inducers in their vehicles,” he states, “because they’re so rare.”

  “Here’s an entire box of them for one plasma morpher.”

  He strokes his chin. “That makes me think the plasma morpher is that much more important.”

  I say nothing.

  The general shakes his head and slaps his knees. “Done!”

  Not two minutes later, I walk away with a plasma morpher in hand, and the general calling his wife and telling her to clear her schedule for tomorrow, that they’re going for a drive.



  It’s been an unbelievably strange day. Night, now, but I turn on my lamp and plug away, making all kinds of notes and calculations. Even though I don’t have my hands on a plasma morpher right this very second, I’ve held and studied one before, so I know enough about how they operate. I’m finalizing the calibrations I’ll need to make it compatible with the anion preciever, and by the time I’m done, it’s late. Very late. I’m not hungry, though, and I’m not tired either. A high like this hasn’t come over me in a long, long time. I’m so energized and excited that I know it’s pointless to lie down. Sleep won’t come.

  Instead, I go for a walk, just around the area, not straying too far. When you don’t live under a roof, you have no real place to keep all of your things protected. I don’t have much, but every bit means the world to me, and I don’t want to lose any of it.

  Eventually, my body does recognize that it's been a long while since I last slept, and I return to my living area. I really do need that covering put up. There's been a bit of a drought lately, which is why I haven't made patching that material a priority. If raindrops were an issue, I certainly would have had that covering up long ago.

  As soon as I lie down, sleep comes, and when I wake up, it's so very strange. I don't think I've ever woken up smiling before. Even better, some of the traps I laid out earlier this week have caught a few animals, including a pig. That's right. Bacon. I haven't had that with breakfast since I bartered for a meal about two years ago.

  The bacon sizzles over the fire, and I indulge more than I probably should, but I’m running low on salt, and my mini fridge only has so much room. I don’t have a lot of electricity here, so I have to make do the best I can. That’s basically the case for anything and everything. Just survive. Live another day.

  I want to do more than just survive, though, and if I can just get my hands on a plasma morpher, I’ll be in real business.

  After I hack up the rest of the pig and shove as much of the meat as I can into the fridge and then salt the rest, I start to take inventory of my bits and pieces. What do I have that I can use to barter for a plasma morpher?

  Nothing. That’s what. And I don’t think that whoever has one will be willing to let me fiddle and upgrade or fix their machines as payment, not unless I’m willing to be their slave for seven years.

  Not going to happen.

  Honestly, at the moment, I don’t have much of anything I’m willing to part with. I’ve become fairly self-sufficient, but that doesn’t mean that I have the means to do everything I want, and I also lack the chance to live as ordinary people do. A nine to five job isn’t for me, and that’s not just because I haven’t had a traditional education. I can read and write just fine. I used to hang out at one of the local schools and stand outside. A girl noticed me and would leave the window cracked so I could hear. She even gave me a few of her old books once the school years were over. Lily had been her name. I don’t know whatever happened to her, but I learned a great deal because of her through her teachers, but I never had the chance to ask any of the teachers questions, and I had so many questions. I wanted to know how things worked, not just accept that this was what happened. That wasn’t good enough for me.

  I didn’t have a home address, so I couldn’t have a library card. The librarians would let me read the books inside the building. I just couldn’t take them home, obviously, since I didn’t really have a home. But then I started to ask the librarians the countless questions I had, and they told me to hush. Then again, they told everyone that, so I didn’t feel singled out, but it did make me stop asking my questions aloud.

  It made me become self-sufficient. I either would find the answers in books, or else I would physically replicate whatever process I had questions about so I could try to figure out the how by myself. It's what started me on the path of inventing. The tinkering started long before that, though, born out of necessity.

  Maybe it's time for me to head to the scrap yard. There might be something I can find there that I can tinker or fix so I can barter. Even if I can't barter directly for the plasma morpher and have to work my way up by getting bigger and better things to one day gain it…

  Footsteps sound, and I glance over, standing from having just sat down, a bit weary from all of the walking last night combined with shifting going t
hrough all of my stuff. I don’t have a lot, yes, but some of the larger objects are quite heavy.

  Rix approaches, and the first thing I notice is his huge smile. The second thing I notice is that he has a hand behind his back.

  Wary, I reach for Nightfall, my modified pistol-rifle. For good measure, I also grab a baseball bat.

  He chuckles. “You don’t need those, Ava.”

  “You don’t need to come any closer.” I lift my chin. “In case you can’t tell, I don’t like stalkers.”

  “I’m not stalking you.”

  “I don’t like strangers either.”

  “I don’t have to be a stranger either.”

  I grunt and lower the rifle but tap the bat against my shoulder. "Why are you here?"

  “I have a proposition for you.”

  “Not interested.”

  “I think you’ll want to hear me out, but you’re going to have to put down your weapons first.”

  “Why’s that?” I ask suspiciously. “I really don’t feel comfortable with you here.”

  "We were together on my ship, and that was much closer, tighter quarters than this," he protests.

  Very true, especially when you consider that he’s paused several feet from my camp.

  “What’s in your hand?” I ask evenly.

  "I'll show you once you put down your weapons."

  “Not happening.”

  “If I were holding a weapon, would I play games with you or just kill you? And if I wanted to harm you, why didn’t I do it on the ship?”

  I open and shut my mouth before putting the bat and the pistol-rifle down. I love the pistol-rifle. It’s been modified by yours truly so that the pistol has the sight and range of a rifle.

  Both weapons are well within reach, and I sit down, so my hands are even closer in case I need to grab them, but honestly, this is mostly for show. I don't feel threatened by the blue-skinned man. I just don't care for the fact that he keeps showing up at my place unwanted and uninvited.

  Not that I ever invite anyone here. Not ever.

  I lift my chin. “Well?”

  He brings his hand into view slowly, ever so slowly, and I gasp.

  A plasma morpher.

  I gasp. “You got one,” I say, standing and taking all of two steps toward him before I stop. “What do you want for it?”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t ask for too much.”

  I grimace.

  He burst out laughing. “You didn’t honestly think that I wouldn’t make you work for this, did you?”

  “A girl can hope,” I grumble.

  His grin stretches even wider. “This little baby is worth a lot, especially on this planet, so if you aren’t willing—”

  “What are the terms?” I ask in a rush.

  “Easy. All you have to do is go on a date with me.”

  I lift my eyebrows and blink a few times. “A date. I thought your kind…”

  “We do go on dates and court and all of that. It’s not just fucking. That’s the Novans. I’m a Kurian.”

  “Right. Sorry. I really shouldn’t be so judgmental. It’s just… A date? Really? Can’t we—”

  “It’s a simple thing, really. Do you think you have anything else I might want?”

  I scowl. “A date. What exactly do you have in mind?”

  “Don’t you worry. I have plenty of things in mind.”

  His grin is somehow even wider, revealing complete happiness, and I don’t detect a trace of lewd intentions. In fact, he kind of seems to be a bit giddy about the whole idea. It’s a little comical and maybe a little cute too, not that I’m going to admit that to him. He has me curious. What exactly does he consider a date? Will it be anything like a date with a human? But he’s human. I need to remember that. Just because he’s a Kurian doesn’t mean he’s not human.

  “All right. Fine. Is this acceptable, or do I need to get changed?” I ask, standing up and waving my hands down toward my legs to encompass my clothes. “I don’t own any fancy clothes or a dress.”

  "No dresses, huh?" he murmurs, his eyes trailing up and down my body. I squirm under the heat of his stare, but I can't say I blame him for looking, considering I basically gave him permission to.

  “No. I have a few shirts, several pants, and two pairs of shorts.”

  Obviously, I also have undies and bras, but I don’t mention them for obvious reasons.

  “I want you to be comfortable,” he says after a moment. “Do you hate dresses? I’m just curious.”

  I gape at him. It seems like an innocent question, but it’s not, not to me. When people have tried to take me in under their wing, unwillingly on my part, they would first always want to cut my hair, give me makeup, dress me up, try to turn me into something I’m not.

  “If you want me to be comfortable,” I say stiffly, “then don’t ask questions.”

  "Not even about your favorite type of cuisine?" he asks. "I haven't tried nearly all of the food options you all have here. I do recall Chinese food is delicious. Oh, and I love burgers and fries."

  “Have you ever had Italian?” I ask.

  He considers and then nods.

  “What about Asian? Japanese? Korean?”

  He blinks a few times.

  “Sushi?” I try.

  “What’s that?”

  “Raw fish.”

  “That sounds good. Do you want sushi?”

  “I only had it once, a single piece, but I did like it.” I hesitate. “If you don’t like it, though, you might hate it. Not everyone likes it and—”

  “I eat just about anything.”

  “Is that so?”


  Why does that make me wonder if he likes to eat women out? What the hell? Why would my mind betray me like that? It's something I've never experienced, and I don't know if I want to. It just seems… weird. I don't know. I probably shouldn't knock something I haven't experienced, but the idea of it, of sex in general, makes me a bit closed off. I've never been intimate with anyone. Too intimidated, and I don't like the idea of letting someone that close to me.

  But a single date for a plasma morpher? That I can handle.

  “You ready to go and do this?” I ask.

  Rix laughs. “Someone’s willing to get this done and over with, isn’t she?”

  “Yes,” I admit.

  “Honesty. I like that. All right then.” He glances around and then places the plasma morpher inside a box.

  I march over and shut the box.

  “Will it be safe if we leave it here?” he asks.

  "Yes," I say, maybe a little too quickly.

  He laughs again, and I have to admit he has a nice laugh. “I’ll try to not be upset about you wanting to be back here already.”

  I shrug. “I just hope you like sushi.”

  “I’m happy you’re concerned about me.”

  “About your stomach,” I clarify.

  “Ah, yes. Isn’t there an Earthling expression about a guy and his stomach?”

  My eyes widen. A Novan might not have picked up on that, but Rix had a human mother. Oh, and the chip that helps him with English and other Earthling terms.

  “There might be,” I say with a shrug. “Sushi.”

  “Yes, yes. I won’t keep you waiting, but, ah, you might have to lead the way.”

  “Not a problem. Say, do you have access to a centuricmobile or centuricar by any chance? It’s a long walk.”

  “Hmm. And you haven’t driven one in a long time, have you?”


  His grin is back, and maybe I’m grinning too.



  Ava hasn’t stopped smiling since I brought her over to a centuricar. I’m so grateful that I met Lloyd and the others. He’s the one to let me borrow his vehicle, and he winks and nudges me when I explain that it’s for a date.

  “Go and get some, Rix!” he whisper-shouts, and I’m hoping Ava didn’t overhear him.

  When Ava and I walk to the
vehicle, she doesn’t seem upset or unnerved at all, so I take that to mean she didn’t eavesdrop. I’m not sure how good humans can hear from long distances. My mom can hear like a bat, but I somehow always thought that was because she had some kind of radar for when my friends and I were planning some mischief. One way or another, she would always know when we were plotting trouble. Granted, that was more times than not, so she had a good chance of being right.

  Not that we did anything too serious or violent. None of that, but we still found ways to have fun on the red planet.

  And I’m sure we’ll be able to have fun here.

  As much as I try to get Ava to talk some as she drives, it’s hard for her to hear me. The engine isn’t loud, but she drives so fast that the wind generator makes it almost impossible for my words to be audible. That’s all right. By far, we’re laughing more than anything. She looks so carefree and happy for once, and that’s all I want.

  It’s about a twenty-minute drive to the restaurant, but I think that Ava might’ve been driving around for the fun of it because I’m pretty sure that we drove this way already.

  I don’t point that out because I don’t mind.

  When we arrive and Ava parks, she glances over at me. “How did you like my driving?”

  “A bit erratic,” I tease.

  “What’s wrong with that?”

  “Oh, I’m not complaining,” I assure her.

  She winks and climbs out. I do the same, and we enter the place. The lighting is low, candles lit at every table. There aren’t a lot of people here, all couples, and a woman leads us to a table for two near the windows.

  Before I can tell Ava I do have a tiny bit of Earthling money on me—I just hadn’t wanted to spend it earlier since I wasn’t sure how long I would be here for—a short man with black hair and eyes rushes over. He nods deeply to me.

  “It is our honor to have a Novan dine with us. Or are you a Kurian?”

  “A Kurian.” I glance at Ava, who is shaking her head.

  “A Kurian, yes, of course! My apologies for not realizing. Of course you are. We are so pleased you are dining with us. Please, enjoy whatever you will like. All-you-can-eat sushi on the house!”