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Grabbed by the Alien Guard
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Grabbed by the Alien Guard
The Novans Book Eleven
Ashlyn Hawkes
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Other Books By Ashlyn Hawkes
About the Author
Special Author Note
Grabbed by the Alien Guard © 2020 Ashlyn Hawkes
Cover Art © 2020 Ashlyn Hawkes
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
Created with Vellum
It’s a big responsibility, being a guard, and I grin at the overlord.
“Of course I’m willing to continue to be a guard,” I say.
“Good, Adir,” the overlord says dryly. “It’s not as if you have a choice in the matter.”
My nostrils flare. I know I have no choice in the matter, and I would not begrudge the overlord anything. None of the Novans would. We’re only alive today because of the overlord and the actions he has chosen for us as a species.
But all of that doesn’t mean the I appreciate his tone. He’s a bit of a brutal man at times, and I understand and appreciate that he has more duties now than ever before. He has to not only turn this entire planet into our home, but he has to also ensure that our species does not die out.
Which means he needs our breeders to impregnate as many females from Earth as possible.
“Where will I be assigned?” I ask. For some time now, I had been a guard on the outskirts of the farthest building on Kuria. We’re slowly transforming this planet and making it ours, but I have to be honest. It doesn’t feel like home yet.
I miss Nore. Even more so, I miss Novan women. Their blue skin, their willingness, and love of fucking, the way they would want to have sex with us as much as we did with them… It's come to my attention that Earthlings don't view sex quite as we do. They have a term that is foreign to us. Rape. Sometimes, Earthlings don't want to fuck. Novans never experienced that. We're a rather sexual species. We're drawn to have sex, and we would fuck and fuck and fuck until we found the one we want above all others. That is the one we would marry.
I never did marry. I never found the one Novan woman for me to marry.
The overlord eyes his device. He's sitting at the massive table in his office, but I'm standing. He never gestured for me to sit, and I'm fine standing. The ceiling-to-floor window gives an impressive view, and I don't mind taking a peek to see the sight. Kuria is pretty enough, although the red stone is a bit tiresome after a while. Once the place is more built up, I’m sure it will feel more like home.
“As more females are being brought over, I think it would be nice to have a few more guards at the breeding quarters,” the overlord finally states.
“Of course, Overlord Nestrol,” I say, doing my best to hide my grin.
The overlord looks up and at once glares at me. “Only the breeders are to fuck the females. Do you understand?”
“Of course, Overlord Nestrol,” I repeat, clasping my hands behind my back.
“Hmm. If you so much as—”
“I am to guard the females. I am to ensure their safety.”
“You know about rape?”
“I do.”
He lifts his eyebrows. “Word is spreading, then,” he murmurs as if talking to himself.
“I am to guard the females to protect them from any untoward advances.”
“Precisely, although it is more your duty to give them whatever they want, if they want food, drink, more dresses, anything they desire.”
Desire. Again, I do my best to hide my grin even though deep down, I’m cursing the overlord. This is not going to be an easy assignment. It has been far too long since I fucked a woman, and now I am going to be around so many of them, and I’m not even supposed to touch them. My cock is already stirring, just wondering what an Earthling female looks like up close, what they smell like. I haven’t seen one before, and I cannot help being curious.
“Go now,” the overlord states with a wave of his hand. “You start immediately.”
“Yes, Overlord Nestrol.”
Quickly, I climb down the stairs. Although I should be leaving immediately, I can’t. Not yet. I’m hard despite trying to calm myself down, and I duck into the nearest waste room. My cock throbs by the time I pull down my pants, and I quickly bring myself to orgasm. I have no choice in the matter, my body requiring me to flamindulis. If I don’t… I don’t even want to think about what will happen to my balls.
That settled, I clean up and hope that I won’t have this issue as I patrol the floors. I leave behind the building and have one of the drivers take me to the breeding quarters.
Another guard, Uze, stares me down as I enter.
“Why are you here, Adir?” he asks.
I grin at my fellow guard. “I’m your newest coworker.”
“Is that so?” Uze grunts. “All right. I guess, just pick a floor. Or do you want to work mealtimes? We might need someone to help—”
“I’ll pick a floor,” I cut in. “There’s not more organization?”
“Not really. We just do what needs to be done as it comes up. The commander used to give us more concrete roles, but he’s been busy lately.” Uze laughs and thrusts his hips.
I suppress a sigh at his vulgarity. Yes, the commander has a female of his own. He’s the first to marry an Earthling as far as I know.
Leaving Uze to whatever it is he’s doing, I climb the stairs and patrol down the second floor. Most of the females seem to be sitting on their beds. The rooms don’t have walls, but I can’t imagine that will last long.
Up ahead, I can hear grunts and groans. A breeder is really going at it, and it sounds like the female is enjoying herself. She’s screaming all right.
I walk ahead and pause just outside of the view of the room where the breeder is fucking that female's brains out. She lets out a shriek, he groans, and then, the heavy breathing stops. He finished.
There aren’t any words. The door opens, and he leaves, walking away from me.
I step forward and glance over. The woman is just finishing putting on her clothes, but it’s not the same dress the other women are all wearing. No, she’s wearing some kind of purple clothing that barely covers her boobs. In fact, I can see her nipples through the see-through material. Her nipples are hard, and she brushes her long black hair back over her shoulders, fixing me with a coy smile.
“Well, hello there,” she purrs, walking over to the bars, her hips swaying. “You’re new, aren’t you?”
“Yes. I’m Adir.”
“Come here.” She puts her arm through the space between the bars to wave me closer to her.
“I… I don’t think that’s wise.”
She smirks and tilts her head to the side, her hair falling forward into her ample cleavage. “Maybe you should stop thinking so much. Ya got a name?”
“I do.”
“Not going to tell it to me?” Her grin is huge, and she rubs her boob, her hand drifting lower and lower. It’s rather distractin
g, and I can’t help watching as her hand moves up and down, coming closer and closer to her nipple.
Ovian. Why is she doing this to me?
I cough and clear my throat. “I, ah, I’m a guard.”
“Oh.” She nods several times. “All right then. I’ll let you go and be a good little guard.” Her wink is luscious.
I back up almost all the way to the other side, my back almost hitting the bars of the room opposite her.
She laughs. Her teeth are as white as can be, a beautiful contrast to the equally lovely dark color of her skin. It’s such a different shade from my own blue coloring, and even from the other Earthlings around her. I hadn’t realized that the Earthlings came in such wonderfully different packages. Her hair is dark, spirals, so very curly. It makes it look like she just rolled out of bed, and speaking of her bed, it’s all crazy, the blanket half-falling onto the ground. It reminds me of what she had just been doing.
My gaze snaps back to her as she chuckles. Her eyes are dark, just like her hair, her nose strong, her face an oval. The purple of her… I can’t call it a shirt or outfit. I have no idea what it is, but the purple clothing makes her skin and eyes pop. There’s no other word for it.
“You like what you see, huh?” she asks with a laugh. “Go on. Get out of here before you do something you really shouldn’t.”
I cough, nod, and walk away. Thankfully, it doesn’t take me long to find the nearest waste room, and I have to flamindulis again. I can’t help myself. This time, though, I picture her, her and I on the bed, her and I doing whatever the ovian I want, and I growl as I find release.
But I’m not satisfied. My hand isn’t what I want wrapped around my cock. Ovian. This is going to prove torturous. How do the other guards handle it?
If the other guards do have the same issue I have of being incredibly turned on by being around all of these lovely ladies day in and day out without the ability to touch them, they don't show it. I have to go to the waste room to flamindulis at least twice a day. Some nights, I have to again in my bed. I just can’t stop.
As time goes by, the breeding quarters are changed so that the bars are replaced with walls, but that doesn't mean I don't know where her room is. I make certain I'm on her floor every day. We haven't talked, not since that first day, and she hasn't needed any sort of assistance. I haven't talked to any of the others about her, and I've seen the number of breeders who go into and leave her room. By far, she has the highest number of breeders try to impregnate her. She definitely seems to enjoy herself with all of them. Sometimes, you can walk by a room and be surprised when it suddenly opens and a breeder leaves, but with her, every time without fail, you can hear her loud and clear. She's a screamer.
As I walk by her door during my patrol, the door opens, and she leans against the doorway. I stop and eye her. Her outfit today is just as revealing as the first one I saw her in, although this one is pink. It falls to just above her hips, and I can see her boobs through the material.
She’s also not wearing anything to cover between her legs.
“There you are,” she coos. “The… guard.” She mouths, “guard” rather than saying it out loud. “Do you want to… talk?”
Talk? I snort. Talking isn’t on her mind, that’s plain to see.
“Shouldn’t?” she asks, batting her eyes. “A pity. Who likes nice boys? Those who play by the rules are dull and boring. Are you? Is that the story of your life? You just obey orders?” Her eyes glitter. “Because if that’s so… maybe I can try my hand at giving you orders.”
My cock jumps, and when she holds out her hand, I take it.
She shuts the door behind me. “Hi,” she purrs. “I’m Shawnta. If you really want to talk, we can, but later. Right now, strip.”
She doesn’t have to tell me twice.
It’s not easy, being here on Kuria. I keep telling myself that I’m here for a reason, that everything will work out, but just walking into the building known as the breeding quarters makes me want to run and hide.
You can do this.
Yeah, right. I so don’t believe the voice in my head.
A guard assigns us to our rooms, and I shut the door behind me. The room is small, with a bed and an area for the bathroom, a sink, and that's it. The dress they gave me to wear is not flattering at all, which actually comforts me a little.
Which is ridiculous. I know why I’m here. I have a job to do, and I’ll do my part. I will.
But that doesn’t mean it’ll be easy for me.
Worried and uneasy, I pace back and forth, eyeing the door, not wanting anyone to come inside. If I can just get through the day, maybe I’ll be okay. Yeah, tomorrow. Tomorrow I can get a better handle on things.
On the ride over, I took advantage of the deep sleep. Otherwise, I would’ve been too nervous and anxious to sleep. Even after the deep sleep, I’m not calm. That same nervous anxiety that I so desperately wanted to avoid is what’s fueling my quick, hurried steps.
A knock sounds at the door, and my throat closes. I can barely make a sound.
The door opens. A tall, muscular, blue-skinned Novan fills the doorway. He’s massive, and I’m quickly realizing that none of them wear shirts. At least they all wear pants.
Embarrassed that my gaze dropped to his pants, I stare at the floor.
“Can I come in?” he asks.
I jerk, surprised that his voice is higher pitched than I expected. My head is still down, and I shrug. The movement causes hair to fall forward over my shoulders, half-covering my face.
He turns and shuts the door. He doesn’t slam it shut, but it still jars me to the point that I jump and back up a few steps.
“You don’t have to be frightened,” he says, stepping toward me. He only takes two steps, but they’re big ones, and he’s right by me. He reaches out and brushes my hair aside. “Ovian, you’re beautiful.”
I don’t know what to say. I’m frightened, scared, and it’s stupid for me to feel this way. I volunteered to be here. I’m here because I want to be, and the reason for coming is simple.
“You’re scared,” he says.
“You just got here. One of the new ones.”
I nod.
He shifts uncomfortably, and my gaze lifts from the floor only high enough to see his pants.
He’s tented.
Oh. Yes. Ah. Great.
Stop being ridiculous, Callie!
But knowing why I’m here and actually being here are two different things. I’m petrified. I am so anxious that I don’t know what to do, what to say.
He sniffs, and I force myself to look up. His eyes are a strange neon yellow color that only serves to reinforce that he's alien.
“What can I do to make you more at ease?” he asks.
I shrug.
“You aren’t much of a talker, are you?” He grunts and gestures to the bed. “Why don’t you sit and make yourself comfortable?”
I swallow hard and sit down stiffly on the edge of the bed.
“You aren’t ready, are you?”
“Ah… no.”
“Do you want me to help make you ready?”
My eyes widen. “Ah…”
“Or you can.” He shrugs.
Stop being a baby, Callie.
I blink a few times and breathe in deep and let it out slowly. My hand. I can do this. I have to.
It’s not as if he’s ugly. He’s good-looking, I guess, in an alien kind of way, which is terrible for me to think, I know, but I’m trying, okay? He’s not forcing me or making any signs that I should hurry up, so he could be worse.
“If you don’t want to,” he starts in a strained voice.
I look over at him. He looks like he’s in physical pain. He’s leaning forward slightly, as if his stomach is bothering him. His pants are tented even more. He’s big. Really big.
Just then, a bell rings. The No
van slams a hand into his open palm.
“What’s that?” I ask.
He blinks a few times, confusion replacing the anguish on his face. “Didn’t they tell you? The bells signify mealtime. I didn’t realize it was so close… If you’re hungry, you can go.”
“What about…”
His grin is big. “You don’t have to worry about me. I can handle this myself. You seem like you might need a bit to get settled.”
“Thank you.”
He nods, rubbing himself. I don’t think it’s to make me uncomfortable. If anything, I think it’s because he’s uncomfortable. “A word of advice, though?”
I nod as I inch toward the door.
“Some of the other breeders might be a little… less understanding.”
My face pales.
“They won’t hurt you,” he rushes to add, “but they might be a little more… zealous.”
“Ah. Great.”
I'm already out the door. I glance up and down the hallway and follow the crowd of women down to the cafeteria. The food is… I don't know what it is, and I don't ask. I just accept a tray and turn around, trying to find a spot to sit. Most of the women are all talking and laughing. It's as if it's high school all over again with cliques already formed.
There isn't a table with no one, but there is one table that has three empty seats, and I rush over to claim it. I'm one of the last ones here, and I start to eat. Even though the food is a goopy mess, it doesn't taste that bad. In fact, after a few bites, I realize I like it. That's a relief, at least.
A woman with ebony skin waltzes in. She lets out a whoop, and a few of the others answer her. Immediately, she starts to launch into this tale about a lover who went at it for three hours. At first, I thought she meant sex, but no. She meant oral.